Opening Hours

Woosmap handles your store opening hours

  1. Describing an asset and its opening hours

Describing an asset and its opening hours

    "storeId": "aGkgdGhlcmUsIGZvdW5kIHNvbWV0aGluZyBuaWNlID8K",
    "name": "An awesome store Name",
    "location": {
        "lng": 2.294694,
        "lat": 48.858093
    "openingHours": {
        "timezone": "Europe/Paris",
        "usual": {
            "7": [],
            "6": [{"all-day": true}],
            "default": [{"start": "08:30", "end": "19:30"}]
        "temporary_closure": [{"start":  "2024-05-20", "end":  "2024-05-24"},{"start":  "2024-05-27", "end":  "2024-05-29"}],
        "special": {"2024-03-08": [{"start": "09:00", "end": "18:00"}],
                    "2024-03-09": []


Defines an asset named An awesome store Name located in Paris. This store is closed on Sundays, open all day on saturday, and is open from 8:30 to 19:30 (8:30am to 7:30pm). From Monday 20th May 2024 to Friday 24th May 2024 the store will be temporary closed. From Monday 27th May 2024 to Wednesday 29th May 2024 the store will be temporary closed. On Friday 8th March 2024 (08/03/2024) the store will be open from 9:00am to 6:00pm instead of closed. On Sunday 9th March 2024 (09/03/2024) the store will be closed all day.


Defines opening hours in the Europe/Paris timezone. It is used to compute the open_now property of an asset.

For a more complete list of possible timezone values see List of tz database time zones article on Wikipedia.


The hours are defined in 24 hour format, and to define a slice of time where the store is open you must define a start, end keys. start, end must belong to the same day (crossing midnight may result in open_now being always false.)

        { "start": "08:00", "end": "12:00" }



If you want to declare your store is open 24 hours a day, use all-day: true. all-day cannot be false, just don’t pass this property if you don’t need it.

Usual opening hours

usual: may contain the following keys "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "default"

Day Week day
Monday 1
Tuesday 2
Wednesday 3
Thursday 4
Friday 5
Saturday 6
Sunday 7

The default applies when no explicit hours are defined for the current day.

Special opening and closing hours

The format for defining opening and closing hours for a particular day is the same as the usual. Instead of using numeric week day for keys you must use a date YYYY-MM-DD (see ISO-8601).

The dashed date is the only supported format.

Temporary closure

You can defined temporary closed periods with the temporary_closure key. Composed of a start date (first included day of closure) and end date (last included day of closure). Once defined, those periods are used to compute open_now value and weekly_opening.

Resolution rules

If one of the above rules match, the store will be considered open, else closed.

API Response

When the API returns an asset’s json, you will find three objects in its properties. See the sample API Response for a complete example:


Contains these two properties:

And depending on the store current opening state, current_slice and next_slice.

current_slice property

The current_slice property contains the current opening hours. (if the store has multiple opening hours slice, only the current slice will be returned).

Example of a currently open store:

    "open": {
        "open_now": true,
        "current_slice": { "start": "08:00", "end": "12:00" },
        "opening_hours": [
            { "start": "08:00", "end": "12:00" }, 
            { "start": "14:00", "end": "18:00" }

next_slice property

The next_slice property contains next opening hour slice and corresponding day. When no future opening hours can be found within 6 days, the store will be considered closed and next_slice will be false.

Example of a currently closed store:

    "open": {
        "open_now": false,
        "next_slice": { "start": "08:00", "end": "12:00", "day": "2016-02-13" }, 
        "opening_hours": [
            { "start": "08:00", "end": "12:00" }, 
            { "start": "14:00", "end": "18:00" }


Example of an asset that is closed for more than 6 days:

    "open": {
        "open_now": false,
        "next_slice": false, 
        "opening_hours": []



It contains the initial opening hour data you provided to the API for this store (Timezone, usual, default, special…)


It contains opening hours for the current week.

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