Localities Widget Reference 2.0

Localities Javascript Widget Reference 2.0
  1. Autocomplete class
  2. AutocompleteParameters Interface
  3. AutocompleteResponse Interface
  4. AutocompleteResponseItem Interface
  5. ComponentRestrictions Interface
  6. DetailsResponseItem Interface

Autocomplete class

This class extends AutocompleteElementsHandler.


Autocomplete(inputId, customConfig?)
  • inputId: String id attribute for the input hosting the Autocomplete widget
  • customConfig: AutocompleteParameters config object

addListener(eventName, callback)
  • eventName: String name of the event
  • callback: Function executed through addEventListener
Return Type: Event

Adds an event listener to the widget Can be removed using removeListener() with the same arguments

removeListener(eventName, callback)
  • eventName: String name of the event
  • callback: Function callback to remove, exactly as added to addListener

Removes given event listener from the widget

Parameters: None
Return Type: DetailsResponseItem | "boolean"

Returns the latest user-selected locality among search results

Parameters: None

Returns the latest search results

  • types: String | String[] The types queried (example ‘locality’, ‘postal_code’, ‘country’ ; omit param for ‘locality’ + ‘postal_code’)

Sets the types to query

  • customDescription: String The customDescription

Sets the custom description to query


Sets the component restrictions


Sets new config options

AutocompleteParameters Interface


restricts predictions to selected components

Type: String

This parameter allows to choose the description format for all or some of the suggestion types selected. The custom formats are described as follows:

        custom_description=type_A:"{field_1}, {field_2}, [...]"|type_B:"{field_1}, {field_2}, [...]"

Type: String

Defaults to ‘standard’, can be set to ‘advanced’ to retrieve postal codes outside western Europe

Type: Number

prevents autocomplete requests from being sent unnecessarily often. Default is no debounce.

Type: String

can be set to ‘postal_code’ to search localities by name or postal codes

Type: Number

all tabindexes in Autocomplete will start from that tabindex. Defaults to 0.

Type: String

expected response language. Default is the country local or browser language

Type: Number

Number of characters before sending request to Localities API

Type: String | String[]

The types queried (example ‘locality’, ‘postal_code’, ‘country’ ; omit param for ‘locality’ + ‘postal_code’)

AutocompleteResponse Interface


Array with Autocomplete items

AutocompleteResponseItem Interface

Type: String

The suggested formatted answer

Type: array

Contains an array with offset value and length. These describe the location of the entered term in the prediction result text, so that the term can be highlighted if desired.

Type: String

Item identifier

Type: String

requested prediction type (‘locality’, ‘postal_code’, ‘country’, ‘admin_level’, ‘train_station’, ‘metro_station’, ‘shopping’, ‘airport’, ‘museum’, ‘zoo’, ‘amusement_park’, ‘art_gallery’, ‘tourist_attraction’, ‘address’)

ComponentRestrictions Interface

Type: String | String[]

Restricts predictions to the specified country (ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 country code, case insensitive). For example, ‘fr’, ‘gb’, or ‘es’. You can provide a single one, or an array of country code strings.

DetailsResponseItem Interface

Type: array

Array containing the separate components applicable to this address. Each component has a long name (full text description or name of the address component), a short name (abbreviated textual name for the address component, if available) and types (array indicating the type of the address component like locality, street_number…)

Type: string

String containing the human-readable address of this item.

Type: object

Item geometry ({location:{lat, lng}, viewport: {northeast: {lat, lng}, southwest: {lat, lng}}})

Type: string

Item name

Type: string

Item identifier

Type: array

Types of the given item (like locality or postal_code)

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