Configure the Woosmap MultiSearch iOS SDK

Explore available parameters and understand how to combine the different autocomplete services on iOS

  1. API options
  2. Configuring a Provider
  3. Woosmap Address Provider
  4. Woosmap Localities Provider
  5. Woosmap Store Provider
  6. Google Places Provider

API options

For each API configuration you can apply the same optional parameters as defined in the dedicated REST API’s documentation.


Configuring a Provider

A provider is a wrapper around a Woosmap API or a Google API which will be called to return the result for a query or get details of a place. Each provider must be created from a provider configuration and this provider must then be passed to MultiSearch object by calling MultiSearch.addProvider method.

To tell the MultiSearch which autocomplete service you would like to implement, create new provider configuration object.

        ProviderConfig(searchType: SearchProviderType, key: String, fallbackBreakpoint: Double? = nil, minInputLength: Int? = nil, param: ConfigParam? = nil) 


Required Parameters

Optional Parameters

ConfigParam class.

This class helps to collect all query parameter required for api calls to fine tune results Example for Localities creating ConfigParam with components, types, tags, language:

        ConfigParam(components: Components? = nil, types: [String]? = nil, language: String? = nil, query: String? = nil, data: DataFormat? = nil, extended: String? = nil  ) 


Woosmap Address Provider

To create a configuration for Woosmap Address provider use the search type parameter SearchProviderType.address:

        let addressProvider = ProviderConfig(searchType: .address, 
                                            key: woosmapPrivateKey)


Available Provider parameters

Example Woosmap Address Provider

        let addressProvider = ProviderConfig(searchType: .address,
                                     key: woosmapPrivateKey,
                                     fallbackBreakpoint: 0.8,
                                     minInputLength: 1,
                                     param: ConfigParam(
                                                 components: Components(country: ["FR"]),
                                                 language: "fr"))


Woosmap Localities Provider

To create a configuration for Woosmap Localities provider use the search type parameter SearchProviderType.localities:

        let localitiesProvider = ProviderConfig(searchType: .localities,
                                                key: woosmapPrivateKey)


Available Provider parameters

Example Woosmap Localities Provider

        let localitiesProvider = ProviderConfig(searchType: .localities,
                                        key: woosmapPrivateKey,
                                        minInputLength: 1,
                                        param: ConfigParam(
                                            components: Components(country: ["FR"]),
                                            types: ["locality", "country", "postal_code"]))


Woosmap Store Provider

To create a configuration for Woosmap Store provider use the search type parameter

        let storeProvider = ProviderConfig(searchType: .store,
                                          key: woosmapPrivateKey)


Available Provider parameters

Example Woosmap Store Provider

        let storeProvider = ProviderConfig(searchType: .store,
                                   key: woosmapPrivateKey,
                                   ignoreFallbackBreakpoint: true,
                                   param: ConfigParam(query:"type:bose_store"))


Google Places Provider

To create a configuration for Google Places provider use the search type parameter SearchProviderType.places:

        let placesProvider = ProviderConfig(searchType: .places,
                                           key: googleApiKey)


Available Provider parameters

Example Google Places Provider

            let placesProvider = ProviderConfig(searchType: .places,
                                        key: googleApiKey,
                                        fallbackBreakpoint: 0.7,
                                        minInputLength: 1,
                                        param: ConfigParam(
                                            components: Components(country: ["FR"]), 
                                                                  language: "it"))

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