Info Window
See how to display content in an overlay that looks like a popup window and how to configure and style it using Templating and CSS.
An Info Window displays properties of a store in a bubble above the map, at the store latlng position and usually opened upon map events, such as user clicks. The Woosmap JS Store Locator API offers you two ways to build an Info Window:
implements a google.maps.InfoWindow and is mainly designed to display store attributes with default Google Info Window behaviour and automatic positioning for better readability.woosmap.ui.InfoBox
implements a customized Info Window from the former Google Maps V3 utility Libary. This InfoBox behaves like agoogle.maps.InfoWindow
, but it supports several additional properties for advanced styling. You can put any content in it - not only stores attributes. It can also be used as a map label.
If you create a new woosmap.LocatorWindow
specifying any infoBoxOptions
it will implement a woosmap.ui.InfoBox
Here is a sample demonstrating the use of a standard woosmap.LocatorWindow
with template rendering.
Create an Info Window
To add an Info Window, you’ll need to create a new instance
of woosmap.LocatorWindow
and passing it
a woosmap.TemplateRenderer
object to specify the HTML
structure in which the store attributes will be rendered.
const templateInfoWindow =
"<div class='store-title'>{{name}}</div>" +
"<div class='store-address'>{{address.lines}}</div>" +
"<div class='store-contact'><a href='tel:{{}}'>{{}}</a></div>";
const renderer = new woosmap.TemplateRenderer(templateInfoWindow);
const infoWindow = new woosmap.LocatorWindow(map, renderer);
You don’t need to create multiple instances of LocatorWindow for different store markers.
Build a TemplateRenderer
The Woosmap JS Store Locator API embeds a simple logic-less template system like Mustache.
The woosmap.TemplateRenderer
that you put as parameter to the woosmap.LocatorWindow
will receive a store properties object.
Therefore, the tags specified in the template should correspond to the properties
object of Store Data Structure.
Simple Template
Here’s a simple example.
const templateInfoWindow =
"<div class='store-title'>{{name}}</div>" +
"<div class='store-address'>{{address.lines}}</div>" +
"<div class='store-contact'><a href='tel:{{}}'>{{}}</a></div>";
Assume that the selected store have this following properties.
"store_id": "123456",
"name": "SuperMarket Edinburgh",
"address": {
"lines": ["20 Castle Terrace"]
"contact": {
"phone": "+441313375757"
The rendered template will look like.
<div class='store-title'>SuperMarket Edinburgh</div>
<div class='store-address'>20 Castle Terrace</div>
<div class='store-contact'><a href='tel:+441313375757'>+441313375757</a></div>
Register Lambda Function
As the template system is logic-less it could be hard to display advanced behaviour. To enable a finer-grained
processing of your stores attributes you can add to your template some custom tags/functions using
the woosmap.TemplateRenderer.registerLambda
method. You will have access to the selected store properties inside the lambda function using infoWindow.get("selectedStore")
Here is a sample to put an opening label when the store is opened.
function getOpeningLabel() {
let openLabel = "Close";
const store = infoWindow.get("selectedStore").properties;
if ( && {
openLabel =["all-day"]
? "24/24"
: + "–" +;
openLabel = && ? "Open now: " + openLabel : "";
return openLabel;
const templateInfoWindow =
"<div class='store-title'>{{name}}</div>" +
const renderer = new woosmap.TemplateRenderer(templateInfoWindow);
renderer.registerLambda('opening_label', getOpeningLabel);
Open an Info Window
The woosmap.TiledView
handles the click event on all store markers and save the store clicked into a property
called selectedStore
. As the woosmap.LocatorWindow
and the woosmap.TiledView
both extend the MVCObject
property is bindable. Therefore, to automatically open the Info Window when a user select a store on the Map, bind
the selectedStore
property to the LocatorWindow
mapView.bindTo("selectedStore", infoWindow);
The following example displays coffee shops at the center of London. When the user clicks the marker, an info window opens.
let map, mapView, infoWindow;
const templateInfoWindow =
"<div class='store-title'>{{name}}</div>" +
"<div class='store-address'>{{address.lines}}</div>" +
"{{}}<div class='store-contact'><a href='tel:{{}}'>{{}}</a></div>{{/}}";
function initMap() {
const loader = new window.woosmap.MapsLoader(googleLoadOptions);
loader.load(function () {
map = new
mapView = new window.woosmap.TiledView(map, woosmapOptions);
const renderer = new woosmap.TemplateRenderer(templateInfoWindow);
const infoWindow = new woosmap.LocatorWindow(map, renderer);
mapView.bindTo("selectedStore", infoWindow);
You can also decide to open the infoWindow on a given store using openOn()
const dataSource = new woosmap.DataSource();
dataSource.getStoreById("2329", (store) => {
Close an InfoWindow
Once opened, an InfoWindow
can be closed either when the user clicks the close button at top right or by explicitly calling the close()
For example, you can close the InfoWindow
when the user clicks outside it on the map.
map.addListener('click', (e) => {